2.5 Acres Mohave AZ

Land is Freedom! This 2.5 Acre Lot, located just north of Kingman is the perfect spot to go off grid and feel some freedom!
Buildable and RVs possible! Owner Financing available!

Item Price $5,497.00

Item Description

Imagine yourself sitting in front of your House or RV, in your chair, a camp fire is going and you are looking up in the Mohavian Desert Sky. Watching the Millions of Stars and the Milky Way and as you gaze into the night you think by yourself THIS is freedom…

How much closer can you get to freedom?

We present a piece of America, 2.5 Acres of pure freedom at an very attractive Price. If you want to stop dreaming you can literarily own a piece of land today. With owner financing we make it possible for everybody to own Land. And you dont need to invest much we can start as low as a $100 a month*.

And by the way… did you lately check the prices in the supermarket? Inflation is here my friend. Owning Land is protecting your money, since a piece of land will always be worth something!

Convinced? Then check the attributes and give us a call.
SPECIAL OFFER – We have currently More than one 2.5 Acre lot available check the discounts!

Take a look around as I explore the area, unfortunately sound got not recorded
GPS Coordinates: 35.552800433753546, -113.83842627880554 (Just copy paste them in google maps)

This is a Video where I navigate through the area and explore different highlights. please allow some time for the video to load and enjoy watching!
